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Ease your worries, talk with our social worker, Amanda Boes
Amanda is a patient advocate and views herself as a “neutral source” patients and families can rely on through the many phases of their cancer treatment.

You just received a diagnosis of cancer and you are feeling overwhelmed.

“I’m scared …”

“Will I lose my job? I can’t take time off work.”

“I can’t afford treatment.”

“How am I going to tell my family?”

“I don’t know anything about cancer and treatments.”

“Who is going to help me?”

“I’m just too busy to deal with this.”

Fortunately, Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute (GHCI) has assembled a team of experts to help you. An integral part of the team includes an oncology social worker who will provide the answers you are looking for. Amanda Boes, social worker at GHCI, is trained to educate, guide and equip patients with the tools to help empower them to progress through their treatment.

“I believe that is why Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute excels over other facilities,” Amanda announces. “Each member of the team utilizes his or her own specific skill set combined with the patient’s input to create a comprehensive treatment plan.”

Amanda is a patient advocate and views herself as a “neutral source” patients and families can rely on through the many phases of their cancer treatment. “It is important to be organized when navigating through treatment. One of the ways I can assist patients and families is by helping them plan for the psychosocial challenges they are currently experiencing and may have in the future,” she reports.

“I meet the patients and their families and assess their individual needs. No patient encounters are alike. One patient may only need to talk with me once during treatment, where other patients may need me daily,” she points out. “I help with a variety of needs including connecting patients with needed community resources and teaching coping strategies.

“I’m here to help relieve patient worries so they can concentrate on their treatment. I find solutions to the problems they encounter during their treatment.

“At Christmas, for example, I was able to coordinate with local and state charities who sponsored many of the patients’ families so they could have a memorable Christmas,” she says.

Amanda also shares a story about a patient recently diagnosed with cancer who lost his job. It left him and his wife with no income and no health insurance. Amanda helped the patient with applying for Social Security disability benefits and Medicaid and obtaining food assistance. She also was able to secure funds to help with rental payments and utility bills. Additionally, she has been providing emotional support to the patient and his family as they learn to cope with the cancer diagnosis, treatment and post treatment.

“Removing the psychosocial barriers that prohibit the completion of treatment is critical to the patient’s overall health and well-being,” Amanda finds. “That is why I provide services to patients and their caregivers throughout all phases of their treatment, from diagnosis to survivorship to bereavement.”

Social Work services are available for patients and caregivers in person, by phone or email, and through tele-health. Social Work services are free of charge and no referral is needed.

Amanda Boes has a master’s degree in clinical social work from Michigan State University. She  is a licensed social worker through the State of Michigan. She is a member of The Association of Oncology Social Workers and the National Association of Social Workers.  

To reach Amanda, call 810.762.8112.